For this workshop we only had two restraints, build a playful installation and use a picoboard (piece of hardware called a sensor board that can be programmed to react and respond to events happening outside of the computer). The project had to be programmed using Processing for the visual and PureData for the sound design. Otherwise we were free to do whatever we wanted.
Planck is an interactive playful sandbox type installation in which the user influence the gravity on a given playground. He can control the direction and speed of the particules by pressing 4 force sensors arranged in a cross shape on the controller. The particules are different in term of size and density and evolve on the playground according to their properties, they can bounce of obstacles or between them. The user can regulate the number of particules on the screen by adjusting the slider on the controller and make some disappear by throwing them in the “black hole” block (The triangle shaped block on the left lower side of the screen).